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Faith to Act and Become

Faith to Act and Become

If you were invited to lunch with the prophet, what would you ask him?

For Elder Schmeil, a lunch invitation from President Nelson was an “unplanned encounter” that gave him the chance to ask the prophet a question. If you had this opportunity, you might want to discuss your questions and struggles, too.

This kind of an unplanned encounter with the prophet may seem out of reach, but Elder Schmeil’s words are a reminder there is someone else who has already invited us to meet with Him:


I know I would be thrilled for an invitation to meet with President Nelson. Do I bring that same kind of enthusiasm to Jesus’ invitation?

Not only does He want to surprise you with unexpected tender mercies, Jesus wants us to plan to meet with Him. These planned encounters of prayer and scripture study are an invitation to be His disciple.

President Nelson invites each of us to “work hard to become [a] better disciple of Jesus Christ,” but learning this relationship takes effort. Elder Schmeil teaches, “We need to be acting in order to allow the Savior to work with us in our lives.”

Each step you take in faith with Him creates momentum for one step, then another. Even when you reach the “boundary of your understanding,” Jesus sees what’s ahead.

That active participation may not always bring the results you want, but the relationship can bring strength. Elder Schmeil teaches, “Through prayer and scripture study, the Lord has always given me the strength to act and endure one more day, one more week, and to try one more time.”

This is the beginning of a lifelong journey with your Savior. Because Jesus intimately knows how you struggle, He can tenderly help you. Jesus will give you strength to take that next step—no matter how big or scary it may seem.

The more you plan to meet with Jesus, the more you’ll see Him in unplanned and unexpected places.

You’ll learn how Jesus meets you in every moment. Your path may not be easy, but He will be with you every step of the way.

-Madison Peery


 I am a disciple of Jesus Christ. I participate in my relationship with Jesus by inviting Him to guide each step.


Are you planning to spend time with Jesus today?

Prioritize spending time with Jesus every day this week. Plan daily encournters with Him. Put dedicate time in your calendar. and then stick to your plan. What will you talk about? How can you ponder what you learn through the day? Follow Elder Schmeil's guidance to ask, pray, and study scripture. Then plan your next step with Jesus. As you do this, trust that Jesus knows your unique struggle and situation. Elder Shmeil said, as you do this, you can "unlock the blessings of heaven."

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