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General conference is sooner than you think, preorder your workbooks now!



Let's take it one

talk at a time.

We know how difficult it can be to be present for every word of conference—impossible in fact! So in case you feel like some of it slipped through your fingers, you're in the right place! It can be a LOT to soak in over just two days, so let's take our time—who's ready!?


Wide-Margin PDF

A community-favorite resource, the October 2022 Wide-Margin General Conference Compilation will be available soon after conference! Easily take notes as you revisit the messages! Download for FREE and print at home or at your local print shop!

Talk Schedule

With roughly 24 weeks between conferences, we aren't able to get to all the talks, but the ones we do get to have an entire week dedicated to them! Any of the remaining talks, you are welcome to study on your own time!

A Community

Discussing what you are learning with others can make such a difference! nvite your friends and family to join, whther you're able to meet in person, or chat over a group text! Or you're always welcome to join the discussions happening over on Instagram!

" Thanks so very much for continuing to send me uplifting messages and affirmations! You are all wonderful there at Work and Wonder! "



" Thank you for this email. It has come at the absolute right time for me. I needed a reminder of how important this is in my life. "



" I love ALL of these emails but this one was perfect for me today. I need all of the thoughts in this email today. So grateful for all the goodness you share. "




Welcome! I am so excited you're here!! It is always so fun to see our community grow and welcome new friends as we dive into another post-conference study! Whenever you join us, please remember you are always right on time and you will be blessed for your EVERY effort to draw closer to Him!
We began this study because we know how difficult it can be to be present for every word of conference. Even if you did  hear every word, it can feel like a firehose of goodness and truth that you're trying to consume all at once. Or maybe you're feeling overwhelmed with a desire to be better and the journey ahead feels daunting.
President Nelson ended the October 2021 conference by saying, “We have been given our charge for the next six months." The next SIX MONTHS! We have time my friends, and a lifetime to continue learning and growing on our path of discipleship.
He continues by asking, "How will we be different because of what we have heard and felt?” That is our hope. That week by week, talk by talk, we will begin to see a difference in our lives as we bring to life the messages of our inspired leaders.
We can’t WAIT to dive in, and don't forget to invite your friends and family to join us!