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Worthiness is Not Flawlessness

Worthiness is Not Flawlessness

I struggle with perfectionism. I know a lot of us do. In today’s world, it’s easy to feel like we’re always falling short, but as Elder Wilcox so beautifully reminds us, “God’s message is that worthiness is not flawlessness. Worthiness is being honest and trying.”

We didn’t come to this earth to be perfect. We came here knowing that we would fall down, slip up, and trip over ourselves and each other the whole way home. We knew that and we came anyway. Because we trusted in our Savior. We knew that He would be walking with us and that He wouldn’t fall, slip up, or trip over anyone along the way.

We had faith in His redeeming power; we trusted in His grace.

Can we do so now?

As we come closer to Christ, it can feel as if our flaws are being magnified, like a spotlight is shining on every human inch of us. But maybe that’s the point—the more light there is, the more clearly we see. Elder Wilcox said, “God loves us as we are, but He also loves us too much to leave us this way.” Christ invites us to come and follow Him, and as we do so, He shows us our weaknesses and invites us to transform them into strengths. That’s the way of the disciple—consistent effort and constant change with the unshakable Healer who holds us through it all.

Patience isn’t flashy and persistence doesn’t always feel possible. These quiet acts of pressing forward sometimes require more of us than we have to give. But Christ is the very definition of more, and He is ever willing to share His grace. 

-Nicole Adair

Read the full talk by Bradley R. Wilcox HERE


I am worth even though I am not flawless. I find strength in Christ's divine gifts of repentance and grace as I walk the path of discipleship with Him.


This week, study "grace" in the scriptures. What does grace look like in your life? Pray to see specific examples of Christ's grace throughout your day and write them down. Study this list.

Revisit it when you feel discouraged or overwhelmed, and the Spirit will confirm to you that you are always worth of help and assistance from Jesus Christ.

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