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Ye Shall Be Free

Ye Shall Be Free
Read the address by Elder Mutombo

Limiting or liberating? To some, living by the principles of the Gospel feels strict, limiting, and lacking freedom. While others feel the liberation of gospel living—the freedom, the safety, and the clarity. I believe these people understand the “why”, or the bigger picture, of following Jesus Christ. I believe they can easily answer the question: “What am I free from because of my daily choice to live the Gospel?” Elder Mutombo might answer this question with blindness—his family could now “see”. “Understanding the why of the gospel has blessed three generations of my family and will continue to bless many generations to come."

Choosing change and choosing Christ. Elder Mutombo presented these two choices as one in the same. We cannot accept Christ or follow His example without also accepting that we will experience change as we do so. The best part? The change is always good. It is always for the better. Christ always has our best interest and highest self in mind when we are transformed in Him. But one that is not willing to change—to leave behind old habits, beliefs, or practices—is not willing to truly be “captained by Christ.”

Leaving a legacy. As Elder Mutombo’s family accepted the gospel, not only was there a mighty change in their family unity and lifestyle, there was a legacy being left. In his family, it was a legacy of prayer. It makes me wonder, what legacy am I leaving? It is important to note the Elder Mutombo did not see the constant praying as a “legacy” in his younger years. Our children may not see the bigger picture yet either. But they will. Our commitment to gospel rhythms and practices will lay the foundation of a legacy that will sustain and strengthen them for years to come. One that can, indeed, pass through generations.


"The truth will always triumph over error, and darkness will not continue on earth because of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ."

"When we choose to follow Christ, we choose to be changed. A man or woman changed for Christ will be captained by Christ..."


I am captained by my Savior, Jesus Christ. He is the light I hold up and the foundation I stand on. Truth will triumph and darkness will lift as I choose to be changed by Him.

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