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April 2025 GenConf Workbooks are LIVE! Now with a new integrated notetaking system for post-conf study!

Poor Little Ones

Poor Little Ones

Fastening our eyes on others. How might the world change if we saw people, even treated people, not as they are in a moment, but as they hope to become? What if we saw past immediate frailties, weaknesses, or faults to see through to their potential—God's potential for them? Many of us have people like this in our lives, the kind of souls we love to be around and spend time with because somehow when we are with them, we are better. We are reminded of how capable, powerful, and good we are. They "lift us up by the right hand" as we are made stronger because they believed in us, loved us, and saw us through the eyes of the Savior. 

Lead by the power of inspiration. More often than not, the why behind promptings from the Spirit are made known to us much later than the prompting itself. This truth is the very reason it can be difficult to heed these still, small whisperings—"but why them?" or "why now?" Moving forward without the answers to these questions takes faith and trust—trust that God must know something we don't. Isn't this often the case? God is not only aware of the specific needs of His children, He knows how to tend and care for those needs, He just needs a willing instrument in His hands to perform the work. Not because He can't do it himself, but because it gives us the opportunity to be a part of His mysterious and marvelous master plan to reach the hearts of His beloved children. We just have to be willing to be led by the power if inspiration, "not knowing beforehand the things which [we] should do."

Whether feeble or faithful, all are need and all are welcome. It is true, the feeble in faith need those mighty in faith to welcome them back to the safety of the covenant path. But perhaps we are limiting ourselves when we believe the impact can only go one way. I believe there are many lessons to be learned from those who are struggling, those who are weak, or those who find themselves on the porch of the chapel. We are stronger together—lifting from either side as we sincerely listen, seeking to first to understand, then to be understood. God does not look upon His children as a whole unit, comparing on to another and noting the differences and "unruly" nature of us all. He looks upon each of us individually, the own unique path before us, and the potential that lies within. He cares only about our individual progression, that we are each in our good places, striving for every day better and every day closer to Him.


"We should be led by revelation to those who are most in need, as opposed to just going down a list or visiting individuals in a methodical way. We should be led by the power of inspiration.

"In each ward and branch we need everyone—those who may be strong and those who are perhaps struggling. All are necessary to the vital edification of the entire “body of Christ."


I am needed in the body of Christ and I have a place here in His church. Whether feeble or faithful, all are welcome and all are loved.

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