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Jesus Christ: The Caregiver Of Our Soul

Jesus Christ: The Caregiver Of Our Soul

The Gift of Repentance: an expression of God’s kindness, a demonstration of His power to help us, and evidence of His patience. What might change if THIS is what we thought of when we think of repentance? Would we approach the Savior DIFFERENTLY with our weaknesses and sins? Guilt is a requisite part of the process, but perhaps we wouldn't cling to it as self-punishment for longer than is necessary. Regret and discouragement are also to be expected, but shouldn't be invited to stay. Your Heavenly Father provided a gift of repentance so that we would have the opportunity to move forward from our frailties with enthusiasm and break free from the bondage of sin with confidence and enduring strength.

Our Father knew this wouldn't be easy. He knew we'd get caught in tangles of mortality, complex emotions, and deep sorrows. This is why He sent His Son—a caregiver of our soul. Someone to be with us in these, often, lonely places. Someone to lead the way and mark the path before us. Someone to descend below all things take upon them our sins so that we might cling to the hope of a brighter tomorrow. This act was not done by force but by choice. He was willing because you were worth it—and you still are. 

Still, we must surrender to His care. Surrendering spiritually is very different than a white-flag surrendering. It is not admitting defeat, giving up, throwing out all your desires and hopes. It is letting go and letting God. It is leaving behind what should be and making space for God to show you what could be. It is recognizing that in order to take His yoke upon us, we must step away from ours. In order to take up His burden, which is light, we must leave ours at His feet. Only then can experience the rest in the arms of His care, peace in the palms of His hands, and healing is His wings.


"The gift of repentance is an expression of God’s kindness toward His children, and it is a demonstration of His incomparable power to help us overcome the sins we commit. It is also an evidence of the patience and long-suffering our loving Father has for our mortal weakness and frailties."

"With meekness and humility of heart, He descended below all things and accepted being despised, rejected, and humiliated by men, having been wounded for our transgressions and iniquities. He suffered these things for all, taking upon Himself the sins of the world, thus becoming our ultimate spiritual caregiver."


Jesus Christ is the caregiver of my soul. As I come unto Him I can know freedom from sin, relief from pain, and strength to overcome weakness.

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