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God Among Us

God Among Us
Read the address from elder uchtdorf

We are not doomed. We are not expected to learn to walk, and eventually run, without stumbling and falling along the way. We just need to be willing to get back up. And the motivation to get back up is knowing that we can try again, only stronger this time. As it is with the atonement. True repentance does not leave us the way we were before, it changes us. It transforms us. It allows us "emerge a new creature"—refined by our mistakes and polished by our failures. The more we make this a regular practice and process in our lives, continuing in God again and again, the more light we gather into our souls.

Timeless truths. Elder Uchtdorf beautifully draws attention to the repetition by which the Savior "teaches the core message of His Gospel". Repetition means we should listen up. Core messages are the ones we should be returning to time and time again when our vision gets clouded—Love God, listen to His servants, love one another, go about doing good, invite all to His church, build temples and enter in, become His disciples, seek not for riches ,power or wealth, seek for joy, peace, and truth. Then in case there was still any question of what we should be doing, he takes it a step further and invites us to imagine what it would be like if the Savior were suddenly here. What would matter, what wouldn't? "One look into His eyes and we would never be the same. We would be forever changed. Transformed by the profound realization that, indeed, God is among us."

Encountering God. I found this such this such an interesting word choice—encounter. Meaning unexpected, or to stumble upon. I am taking this to mean, let God surprise you. Don't think He will only show up in those predictable places. Believe that God is truly among you and will show up in every part of your story, likely when you least expect it. Meeting you where you are—under the kitchen table as your scraping Cheerios from the floor, on the crowded subway on your way to work, in the closet in the dark as you try to hide from the overwhelm of mistakes. Keep knocking, keep praying, keep asking, keep trusting. So that when He does show up, you may recognize Him. 


"We are all infants compared to the beings of glory and grandeur we are designed to become. No mortal being advances from crawling to walking to running without frequent stumbles, bumps, and bruises. That is how we learn."

"One look into His eyes and we would never be the same. We would be forever changed. Transformed by the profound realization that, indeed, God is among us."


I believe God is among us. I offer myself patience as I allow my failures to refine me. I a gathering light into my soul as I repent and return again and again to Him.

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