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Covenants with God Strengthen, Protect, and Prepare Us For Eternal Glory

Covenants with God Strengthen, Protect, and Prepare Us For Eternal Glory
As I read and reread Sister Binghams's words I began to notice just how many incredible promises she was extending to those who strive to stay on the covenant path. I began to list them out.
Walking the covenant path daily…
  • allows us to be women of influence with a profound impact
  • offers forgiveness of our sins
  • welcomes the companionship of the Holy Ghost.
  • promises we will live with Him and His Son in the celestial kingdom.
  • endows us with the power to discern between truth and error
  • strengthens us in our inevitable trials.
  • provides protection from the adversary’s influence.
  • prepares us for eternal glory.
  • provides the capacity to changethrough the Savior’s gift of grace.
  • allows us to be cleansed as we learn through experience.
  • means Christ is there to catch uswhen we fall.
  • allows us to recover from the often-devastating impact of others’ choices.
  • offers trust in a joyful reunion with loved ones heavenside.
  • helps us to safely navigate through rough waters.
  • promises ultimate security,lasting happiness, enduring happiness, and more happinessin this life than we can now imagine.

I meannnn, that about covers it. Why wouldn't everyone jump at the opportunity to see these promises fulfilled in their life? Why would anyone choose “momentary ease” or “hollow happiness” over the purest form of true happiness and fulfillment? Well, because we're human, and because the adversary is good at what he does. And sometimes even that beautiful list of promises above is hard to see when we are “blinded by the torrents of tears that come in [seasons of difficulty]”.

Nonetheless, the promises remain to those who hold fast to their covenant connection. And even in moments when your grip loosens, when the best you can do is cling with your pinky finger, “His hand is stretched out still”. You may need to cover more ground to return back to Him—for it is us that creates that distance, not Him—but “…the Savior will not allow us to fall beyond His reach.”
But we must make the choice, daily, “to be anchored to the Savior, to be bound to Him by our covenants”, to believe that His promises are sure.
I anchor myself to the Savior, and believe that His promises are sure. I choose the covenant path daily,knowing I am endowed with power and strengthened in my trials with every step.
Write down the list of promises above, somewhere where you can refer back to it often. Maybe you write the promises in your own words, maybe you write just one word for each promise that stands out to you. If you discover more promises, or promises that feel personal to you, you can always add to the list as we continue to study the covenant path this month.
Then somewhere near the list, write one thing you will do TODAY to help make those promises more sure in your life. Remember simple and consistent effort has a greater impact on our life than one grand, perfect gesture. 



This was just the boost I needed today. Seeing everything in list format makes me feel like I can conquer whatever comes my way.

Shad Vick

Thanks for your insights. Love the summary bullets – helped me with a high council talk!! Thanks for all you do in helping us stay close to the spirit.

Shauna M.

Wow! Look what I found! Inklings notes!! (wink! wink!) Thanks for posting this here (and the one for tomorrow 5/19 too!)

Abe McHatton

I absolutely love and enjoy this and I am a man and a Priesthood holder if that matters. Thank you and know that we are so grateful for all that you do for us.


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