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April 2025 GenConf Workbooks are LIVE! Now with a new integrated notetaking system for post-conf study!

Building a Life Resistant to the Adversary

Building a Life Resistant to the Adversary
Read full address by Elder Jorge F. Zeballos

After a testimony meeting I attended as a teenager, a counselor in our bishopric approached me and said, “I don’t know what you’re going through, but I was inspired to tell you to look up Doctrine and Covenants 6:23.” What this man didn’t know was that I had prayed and asked God about a question, but wasn’t sure if I had received an answer. I opened my scriptures and read, “Did I not speak peace to your mind concerning the matter? What greater witness can you have than from God?” This verse was the confirmation I needed. 

In his talk, “Building a Life Resistant to the Adversary,” Elder Zeballos teaches about how the Savior’s spiritual preparation enabled him to resist the temptations of Satan in Matthew 4. “He always answered Satan having scriptures in His mind, quoting them, and applying them at the right moment.” How grateful I am that a faithful disciple followed a prompting and pointed me to a scripture that has strengthened me many times over the course of my life. I have this verse, and dozens of others (thank you, seminary scripture mastery), in my heart to recall when I feel the influence of the adversary through doubt, distraction, discouragement, and temptation. This list of scriptures continues to grow the more I take time to study them. 

As we think about our own preparation against the adversary, we can ask ourselves: How am I filling a spiritual reservoir I can use when I need to? What are the scriptures I can recall to help me remember who I am and who God is? 

In 2020, President Nelson warned, “The adversary never stops attacking. So, we can never stop preparing!” Each time we kneel down and pray, each time we fast, each time a verse of scripture becomes a part of us, we are preparing for spiritual warfare. We may be at war, but take heart—we have all we need to come out with the victory!


Compile a list of scriptures that give you strength against doubt, distraction, discouragement, and temptation. Consider displaying one or more verses in a place where you will see them often.


I prepare myself in the fight against the adversary by writing God's word on my heart.

Written by Lauren Madsen

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