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And They Sought to See Jesus Who He Was

And They Sought to See Jesus Who He Was
Read full address by Elder James W. McConkie III

There’s a lot we don’t know about the man with palsy. It’s likely he’d accepted that his condition was unchangeable. But that was before Jesus entered the story.  

Can you imagine what this man felt as He was being carried to Jesus?

He probably wondered, “Would He really help someone like me?” I can imagine his heart sinking when he saw the large crowd. He probably felt too small to be noticed.

But the crowd didn’t deter this man’s friends. They were creative and literally raised a roof to bypass the crowd. When they finally got to Jesus, He was ready for them. Of this part of the story, Elder McConkie III said, “Jesus discern[ed] that this [was] not an interruption but rather something that matters.”

The scriptures explain that Jesus saw the situation perfectly. He saw the faith of those involved, and He healed the man in more ways than expected. 

Maybe you’ve felt like the man with palsy. Maybe you’ve had a problem that needs Jesus.

I know I’ve felt this way before, but sometimes, this feeling can come with hesitation.

I’ve felt my prayers are too small to be noticed.

I’ve wondered if my problems are too small to be important. 

I’ve wondered if I’ll be interrupting His more important business.

But this isn’t how Jesus treats us or our problems. That’s where the beauty of Elder McConkie III’s teaching comes in: “When we bring physical, emotional, or other illnesses to Christ, we can do so knowing He has the power to heal and comfort.”

When we know who Jesus really is, we’ll want to run to Him.

We’ll want to push our way through crowds.

We’ll get to Him in any way possible. 

We’ll see the “interruptions” in our day are really invitations to be with Him. 

We’ll want to invite our friends to meet Him and to see what He’s really like. 

We’ll beg to carry their burdens with them, lifting together to ease their pain as we walk to Jesus.

Whatever your situation is, don’t hesitate to run to Jesus. When you spend time getting to know Him, you’ll see that He’s already waiting for you.


I spend time with Jesus so that I may come to know His character and His power to heal, transform, and forgive.

Written by Madison Peery

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